Planning to sleep early on Saturday (4th Feb) night, I told my mother to have dinner ready by 8PM. I finished my dinner and went to bed by 9PM. Thrilled and filled with nervousness I found very hard to sleep, moving from one end of the bed to the other end it was already 11PM, but not able to sleep. Without realizing, I suddenly woke up thinking that it was already time and checked my watch. It was just 12:50AM, I closed my eyes again. Beep Beep…Beep Beep…the alarm rang and it’s finally 4 AM. Assuming that I will take at least four hours to complete the marathon, I ate curd rice and banana to have a constant supply of glycogen while running. I picked up my cousin from his home and reached the venue at around 5:15 AM. Once I reached the venue all my excitement suddenly turned to anxiety and my bladder started getting filled with water like some flood water filling the dam. It was still dark and didn’t find any difficulty to empty my bladder.
Vaada maama, one of my cousin’s friends greeted him. Still in his college days, my cousin introduced me to his friend with embarrassment. Another guy was telling him “Edhar ladki log bi zyada hai na”. My cousin pinched him and said that I am his brother. I just laughed and thought its time for me to leave them alone and let them continue with their discussion. I gave my bag to him and moved to the starting point of the race. Everyone looked like professional runners and spotted very few amateur runners.
I was just moving my hands and legs trying to stretch and avoid cramps while running. There was an announcement made saying that the race is going to start in another five minutes. Suddenly the blood rushed to all parts of my body and my bladder was again filled up with water. The flag was waived and the race had started. Right from the beginning I was not trying to push hard and compete with any runner. I ran at a steady pace of around 11.4kmph. There were water points kept at every 2.5 kms and I just made a point to not consume water when I really don’t need. By the time I completed 8 or 9 Kms the pro runners had already completed 14 Kms. I didn’t try to bother about the pro runners and was running within my limits. I had a great time running the first 10.5 Kms and reached besant nagar in 54 mins. There were many people cheering us near the besant nagar beach. Heading towards anna square and after completing 14-15kms, I was desperately looking for water spots and hardly found any. My mouth was drying up and was asking for water whoever had worn the volunteer t-shirt. Weighing like two iron pillars I was finding hard to move my legs. Somehow managed to reach the starting point and completed half marathon in 2 hrs 2 mins. By this time the sun was bright and had already started to burn my skin. All these days I have been practicing my long runs during early mornings and didn’t realize that heat will play a major role. Strolling at a very slow pace, all of a sudden back at the start line I had to run another 21kms. To finish the marathon we had to complete 2 loops of 21kms. After completing half marathon, with huge physiological barrier, I am back again at the starting point of the race. There was a big fight going on between my mind, heart and my body (Mind and body fighting against my heart). Infact I picked up some speed and was heading towards besant nagar. I completed 25 Kms and there was a huge wall in front of me. I either had to break the wall and continue running or had to hit the wall. I lost my grip, hit the wall and my mind took control over my whole body and heart. I stopped my watch and my legs came to halt. I completed 25kms in 2hrs and 34 mins. Sick and tired with throat and mouth dried up, I came back walking 4 kms. I didn’t find my cousin, searched for him and had to borrow someone’s mobile to make a call and met him finally. Drank one liter of water and was not in a state to move my bike stand, I rode back home. My entire body was coated with a layer of salt and was stinking like a dirty pig. I didn’t bother to change my clothes and crashed for 2 hrs. In the end I am neither disappointed for not completing nor happy about participating. Later I came to know that the policemen opened the traffic after 3 hrs and didn’t allow many amateur runners like me to complete full marathon. As per the international norms, the traffic should be closed for atleast 6hrs. Even though the organizers claim this event to be a major success, from my perspective it’s really a pathetic show and I hope many would agree with me. Guess, chennai marathon is only meant for professional runners. I was quite happy to hear few of my friends and colleagues wishing me.
The following are my learning.
- Mental toughness: Without the mental strength I can’t even run 1km. During my practice sessions there were many instances where I struggled to complete short distances. I should be mentally strong to complete 42kms.
- Practice properly: I started walking even before I learned to crawl. I had to put more effort and practice in tougher conditions. I somehow totally ignored the heat factor.
- Never give-up: I am not going to give-up so easily and looking forward to finish at least one full marathon in my life.
I am planning to participate in Bangalore marathon which is likely to happen in the month of May (mid summer).