Sunday, February 24, 2008

Recent Running Form

Last couple of months has been quite hectic with work and looks like the trend might continue for another few months. Other than running and work I don’t have free time to do any activity and also have been finding reasons for not blogging too.

Last weekend I took part in Auroville half marathon. Though it was a memorable and happy event, I am disgusted with my performance. I encountered a pretty nasty road rash, missed the route couple of times, did 2-3kms more, walked for a while and completed in 2hrs 17mins.

I was targeting for 1:45 but finished with a horrible timing, probably I was overambitious about my timing. Whole day I was cursing myself for the failure and was pondering why I failed. Moreover before last week’s event, my motivation to run was also quite low and I have been running just for the sake of running. During later half of the race I observed my legs dying and found hard to push myself.

Next day, I thought to alter my training and log more miles per week. But the road rash had stopped me from running and just managed to do a 9k on Thursday. Before the run I also planned to count my stride rate and observed it to be 82-84 per minute. Many websites recommends maintaining the stride rate at 85-90 per minute. I need to do some research on the stride rate and length before I alter my running style.

Overall it’s been a dull phase of running season and struggling hard to jump out of the slump.