Monday, February 20, 2006

Friend's Wedding

The marriage rituals of south Indian Brahmins are quite interesting and tedious. It is interesting for the guests to watch but should be quite tiring for the girl and boy getting married. It was my friend sri’s wedding with vin which took place in Chennai on 17th. I didn’t get a chance to attend the whole wedding ceremony, but was present during the important rituals of the ceremony. Most of my meetings with friends happen only in virtual world, but we make a point to get together at least during the occasions like these. “Khoob Jamega rang, Jab mil baithenge hum yaar ” (modified slogan of bagpiper).

The first ritual during the marriage process is "Nischayartham" which took place on the day before marriage. It is in the form of a promise made by both the parents concerned, to conduct the marriage, under the will of god with their entire mind and spirit. This ritual went on for nearly 1 – 1.5 hrs. During Nischayartham not everyone from our group of friends was present. After the ritual we relished the wonderful delicious dinner served in banyan leaves. My friend being the mapillai, we got a very special treatment in the dinner hall.

Main ritual (Muhurtham) was on 17th and we all gathered in the marriage hall early morning. After having heavy breakfast, we became busy taking pictures of the wedding ceremony. With few of my friends being ready to get married and in the process of looking for a match, they were also busy watching birds. The thread of marriage (Mangalya dharam) is tied around the neck of the girl and the couple was blessed by the priests, elders and the assembled guests. We all wished the couples and later dispersed in different directions.

These are some of the pictures taken during the wedding ceremony.

1 comment:

sriram said...

Just read this blog.Actually it was very interesting to read about my marriage from somebody else's view point.Wish you had written more elaborately:-).