Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Never ending search

Every person in this world thinks that his or her thoughts are unique and no one else would experience the same feelings or understand them completely. Why to talk about others, I myself have experienced this many times and thought people don’t see things from my perspective. How do we conclude that we think differently from others? We would come to know only if we express our thoughts to others and understand what others think on what we think.

One of the greatest and toughest argument with most of the current generation people fighting and questioning within themselves is “Does god exists”. That too if you are a strong believer in science, this question takes the top priority in your list. I was going thorough one of the blog site and found a posting on the belief in god. The posting and the comments made me think there are many other creatures in this world who are thinking the way I think.

In the recent times, I am also stuck in the battle between the minds of a theist and atheist, should I or shouldn’t I? My parents are strong believers in spirituality/religion and there are many things which they follow blindly. There might be many good hidden reasons for their beliefs but with the current state of mind, I end up in asking various reasons and questions about their acts and in the end adding more worries to their list. So, does that mean I am an atheist? Well I don’t have an answer for that. I read theories on big bangs and black holes and start ridiculing the views toward superstitions and redundant beliefs. But everyday morning like many other people in this part of the world I also go to the pooja room and start praying “Suklam baratharam vishnum sasivarnam”. This might not be the case with me alone; the count would be in millions. Why should you or I pray? Does god really exist? If he exists, why doesn’t he come in front of us? Or am I or you praying just because someone has directed and molded us to do that? Has someone introduced the concept of god just for the sake of having a control over what we do? Is everyone praying seeking to have peace in their lives or expecting something else to happen in their lives? You do this to me; I will return you back with something else. If he is god, why should he behave like a human, always expecting something from us? Have we made him to follow the bad practice of accepting bribes by sacrificing innocent lives or punishing ourselves? Who is right and who is not?

Right from the adolescent age we start digging our lives in search of happiness. But while in the process of digging we never know if we would see the light at the end of the tunnel. But keeping our hopes alive we keep digging and in the end we never know if we have come across the light in the process of digging. We keep doing things for the sake of future, but when are we going to take care of the present and when will the future becomes present? Or are we in the search of some place where the sea and sky meets at the horizon?

Listening to –
Yaar yaar sivam? Nee naan sivam,
Vaalvae dhavam, anbae sivam,

1 comment:

sriram said...

You stand in the pooja room and chant some slokhas.At the end of it,do you feel contended and peaceful?I feel if you get peace out of such spiritual things,you believe in God.Atheists find peace in some other way.Finally,it is the peace of mind that we all are searching for.