Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Reminded something

I received this forward from my colleague..

On a flight James bond was sitting next to a Teluguguy.

Telugu Guy: "Hello, May I know your name please?"
James Bond:"My name is Bond"

Continuing in his inimitable style,"......James Bond."

Then Bond asks: "And you?"

Telugu Guy: "My name is Rao...
Siva Rao...
Samba Siva Rao...
Venkata Samba Siva Rao...
Yarlagadda Venkata Samba Siva Rao...
Rajasekhara Yarlagadda Venkata Samba Siva Rao...
Sitaramanjaneyula Rajasekhara Yarlagadda Venkata Samba Siva Rao...
Vijayawada Sitaramanjaneyula Rajasekhara Yarlagadda Venkata Samba Siva Rao..

Since then when someone asks Bond his name he simply says "James Bond".

The above joke just reminded my name (not official). Infact it took couple of days for me to memorize my name "Mohan Venkata Naga Udaya Gowri Shankar"

1 comment:

Maayaa said...

haa...this one brings a subtle smile in our face